Three Step Marriage
LOCATION: London & Manchester
DURATION: 20:15 - 21:30 6 Week Course
A must for every couple
Making marriage simple, understandable and changeable. Discover 3 core steps that will create a more loving, sustainable and incredible marriage.
Read More >Emotional Mastery
LOCATION: London & Manchester
DURATION: 20:15 - 21:30 6 Week Course
Find solutions to life’s challenges, discover your resourcefulness, creativity and resilience.
A simple, practical and powerful approach to take control of your past experiences, present challenges and future ambitions through Joseph’s revolutionary approach to thoughts and emotions.
Read More >Marriage Mastery
LOCATION: London & Manchester
DURATION: 7 Workshops
We firmly believe that every person has an innate ability to maintain a satisfying & sustainable relationship. Marriage Mastery will show you 7 marriage strategies that will add value to even the strongest of relationships.
Read More >Life Mastery
LOCATION: London & Manchester
DURATION: 20:15 - 21:30 6 Week Course
Increase achievement, excitement and fulfilment.
In life we have to keep on growing to feel alive and energised. Many people are not moving or moving in the wrong direction. Discover your life values and blueprint and the dynamics behind productivity.